The Flinders Living University Hall shuttle will include an additional collection point at car park 22 – please wait at the north western end of car park 22. This shuttle bus runs continuously to Registry Road approximately every 7 minutes from 6am to 9pm during semester.
Other free transport options to help get around campus Monday to Friday include:
- Car park 12 shuttle – car park 12 to Registry Road on demand from 7am to 1pm. A shelter has been provided in the north eastern corner of car park 12 where you can wait for the bus out of the weather
- Campus loop bus – departs Registry Road at 8.15am approximately every 5 minutes. Links car parks 3, 4, 9, 13 and FMC until 9.45pm during semester
- Tonsley loop bus – departs Registry Road at 7am approximately every 20 minutes. Links car park 15, Sturt and Tonsley until 6pm
Flinders Link is expected to be complete mid-to-late 2020. For more information about Flinders Link, please email: