2015 Enrolment commences in the week of 24 November 2014

2015 Enrolment commences in the week of 24 November 2014

by Flinders University -
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The 2015 Continuing Student Enrolment Guide is now available from the Enrolment information page. Please read this guide in preparation for your enrolment. A few key points are included below:

A new timetable in 2015
The timetable for 2015 will be substantially different from previous years. Prior to enrolling in your 2015 topics make sure you review the new timetable when it is published on Monday 17 November 2014. See Search Timetable on the Course rules page.

If you identify any issues with your timetable such as clashes between core topics, missing timetable information or inconsistencies, please report the issue to the relevant Faculty or School. Log in to Ask Trim using your FAN and password for a list of Faculty/School contacts.

When will 2015 enrolment and class registration start?
Enrolment and class registration will commence
progressively in the week of 24 November 2014. The dates when particular topic areas open are detailed in the Enrolment and Class Registration Schedule. The Enrolment information web page also contains links to other important information on course advice and information sessions, how to enrol and important dates.

What else is new for continuing students in 2015?

  • Important academic and enrolment dates for 2015 are now available on our Dates page.
  • Student Information System pages have been updated to be more accessible using mobile devices. See Step 3 - Enrol in topics and register for classes for updated screenshots and to log in to the Student Information System to see the new look pages.
  • Flinders University’s Plaza Redevelopment and Student Hub are now under way. Please look out for signage to help you navigate the Bedford Park campus throughout 2015. For more information check out the Flinders Future Focus website.
  • From 1 January 2015, subject to the passage of legislation, the discount of 10% for upfront student contribution payments will be removed. See the Study Assist website for updated information.
  • Flinders University’s Tonsley campus will be opening in January 2015. Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics students studying beyond first year will note the new location of Tonsley in their timetable details. Check your topics to confirm the location.
  • Continuing student scholarships at Flinders University are open from January. Search the Scholarships page for awards which you may be eligible for and apply online via the Student Information System.

Need Help?

Just Ask Trim. You can find details on the Need Help? web page. Ask Trim for information on a range of topics including enrolment, class registration, and fees.

For general enquiries about enrolment or fees you can also contact:

  • Enrolment Services
    Ph: (08) 8201 3950 or 1300 360 351 (local call cost within Australia)
  • Student Finance Services
    Ph: (08) 8201 3143 or 1300 360 351 (local call cost within Australia)


Marlene Pitman
Director, Student Administration and Systems