Turnitin - Check your Drafts here V1
This older Turnitin Draft Box has been created temporarily to deal with the current issues with submitting drafts in the new version. If you need access to your existing reports in the new version, you can still access it here. If you need to submit new drafts, please do so below.
This text-matching box is setup for HDR requirements. Your files will NOT be added to the Turnitin database. Do note, downloading is key as new submissions will erase previous reports and you need to submit the reports in the Research Excellence app.
- Save large files as a PDF under 40MB.
- When checking a large thesis, separate the bibliography and submit in the second submission part as Turnitin cannot process more than 500 matches and 400 pages.
- Upload and wait up to 24 hours for it to process.
- Open the report and download Current View.
- Upload the reports to the RHD Research Excellence app.
For help, view this Video or contact flex.help@flinders.edu.au, especially if you are having issues with a thesis.
Note: If your research has any export restrictions, please contact the Office of Graduate Research before uploading any part of your thesis.