Are you progressing well with your studies for semester 2 and plan to continue?
If you are, this is good news. But if you still have any tuition fees, student contribution amounts or student services and amenities fees owing, make sure you finalise payment or submit the appropriate HELP form immediately to ensure finalisation by 31 August. Contact Student Finance Services on 8201 3143 for assistance if needed.
Are you struggling with your studies for semester 2 and thinking about withdrawing?
If you need advice or assistance in relation to your studies, be sure to seek help. Flinders provides a range of resources to help you with this decision. If the help you need relates to a topic that you are studying, contact an appropriate staff member associated with that topic. This might be your tutor, the topic coordinator, or an adviser in the relevant School. If in doubt, contact your Faculty or School Office for direction.
Be aware that 31 August 2012 is the census date for semester 2 topics – i.e. the last day to withdraw from semester 2 topics without incurring tuition fees, student contribution amounts, or student services and amenities fees. If you stay enrolled after this date you will have to meet all the costs of study, even if you later withdraw from the topic(s). Detailed instructions about how to withdraw are available online.
Have you decided to discontinue your studies for any other reason(s)?
Make sure you withdraw from semester 2 topics by the census date of 31 August. Look out for other census dates that may apply for non-semester topics. Students who have changed their course should ensure they have withdrawn from all topics in their previous course.
Is help available?
Yes. If you have any queries regarding the withdrawal process, please contact Enrolment Services by return e-mail or telephone: 8201 3950 or 1300 360 351 (local call charge within Australia).
Professor Andrew Parkin
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)