Semester 1 important dates reminder....

Semester 1 important dates reminder....

by Flinders University -
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Please note the following reminders regarding important dates for semester 1 enrolment.  Research Higher Degree candidates should contact their Faculty Higher Degree administrative officer for information about amending their enrolment. 


Friday 14 March:  Last day to enrol for topics, register for classes and pay fees for semester 1

If you are still intending to enrol for semester 1 topics, or need to swap topics, make sure you meet the deadline of Friday 14 March.   Also make sure you have registered for all your classes by then and you have paid all fees owing.

If you are eligible to defer payment of student contribution amounts, tuition fees, and/or student services and amenities fees through HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP, or SA-HELP you must submit the appropriate forms before the census dates for your topics.   Until you have submitted the relevant HELP form, your fees will be considered to be overdue after Friday 14 March.

Overdue fees will result in restricted access to a range of University services including the Library and your results.  If student contribution amounts and tuition fees are unpaid, your enrolment will be cancelled.   Re-instatement of your enrolment after cancellation, if permitted, will incur a charge of $100.  See outstanding debts for further details.

The University does not mail out invoices for your fees – you can check how much you owe 24 hours a day via the ‘My Finances’ tab in the Student Information System.  It is your responsibility to check your fee balances regularly, especially if you have recently changed your enrolment, or have an enrolment in Non-Semester 1 topics where the payment due dates are different.


Early reminder:  Friday 4 April 2014 is the census date for semester 1 topics

The census date is the last day to withdraw from semester 1 topics without incurring tuition fees, student contribution amounts, or student services and amenities fees.  If you stay enrolled after this date you will have to meet all the costs of study, even if you later withdraw from the topic(s).  Detailed instructions about how to withdraw are available online. 


Need help?

For assistance with enrolment or fees matters, Ask Trim or visit the Enrolment Support Centre in the Central Library.  The Centre is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm until Friday 14 March. 

If you are thinking about withdrawing or are having difficulties with any aspect of University life, don’t forget that a wide range of support services are available to you – visit the Current Students page for links to these services.


Ms Marlene Pitman
Director, Student Administration and Systems