Student email upgrade - Friday 27 September

Student email upgrade - Friday 27 September

by Flinders University -
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On Friday 27 September, the student email system will be upgraded to align with the current version of Microsoft Office 365.

The change will result in a more up to date look (like Windows 8)when using a web browser to access email, but otherwise there is no change.  Your email boxes and all your email messages remain the same.  If you are connecting from a mobile device, you won’t need to change any settings.

More information about the changes can be found at the Student email information page on the Flinders University website.  To navigate to this page, go to the Flinders University website, choose Current students > Student computing >  Student email (or go directly to

If you have any problems arising from this upgrade, please contact the FLO student helpdesk.  Contact details can be found at


PS: This was previously advertised as 20 September due to a misunderstanding.  The correct date is 27 September.